Who Is Bozo Texino?
I was attending the Art In The Streets exhibit at the Museum of Contemporary Art Los Angeles when I discovered a ramshackle television set playing a Bill Daniel documentary on boxcar graffiti (the very specific kind of moniker-writing from those of the hobo persuasion) and I couldn’t stop watching it. The intro states that “Who is Bozo Texino is the picaresque chronicle of a 16-year search for the source of a ubiquitous rail graffiti – a simple sketch of a blank-staring character with an infinity-shaped hat and the scrawled moniker, ‘Bozo Texino’ – a drawing seen [by anyone who pays attention] on railcars for over eighty years.” Seriously interesting stuff (maybe I’m just a geek about this type of stuff), and the footage was filmed & archived over the course of many years. So righteous! Grab your knapsack, jump a train. Or at least order a copy of the DVD from BillDaniel.net.
Press the play button below to view this content. Article originally appeared on Kelly’s RadCollector.com column.